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Late night ramblings

It's late.
It's always late.
And I'm still awake, like I tend to be when I should be sleeping.
I will probably be exhausted tomorrow, but that's okay.

I just want to write.

I can see Orion from my window.
A lot of people will tell you that Orion is their favorite constellation. Is it because he is easy to recognize? And most don't care to find the other ones? Or does everyone just really connect to the story of a hunter and his dog shooting arrows at a bear with a freakishly long tail?

Cause I can tell you that I sure don't. Maybe that's not important. Maybe I'm the only one who has ever thought about that.

The night is so comforting. It's like a soft, cool blanket over the world that the universe has poked a few holes in so that it can still keep an eye on us. If I wasn't afraid of animals eating me I would lay outside every night just to watch the stars and wait for their light to lull me to sleep.

Maybe I am tired after all.

Maybe goodnight.


  1. I feel like this so often. I mean about not being asleep.

  2. I've decided that talking about stars is not cliché. At least the way you talk about them.
